This sutra is commonly recited before travelling in order to remove obstacles on the way and accomplish one’s purpose. It may be read once or many times.
Homage to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas!
Thus have I heard at one time. The Bhagavan was staying in the land of Kapilavastu of the Shakyas, in the pleasure grove of Nyagrodha together with a Sangha community of two hundred and fifty thousand monks and a great entourage of Bodhisattvas such as Manjushri. Then, early in the morning, the Buddha put on his lower robe, took up his alms bowl and robes and, completely surrounded by the community of monks, at the head of the community of monks, went to the great city of Kapilavastu to collect alms.
At that time a Shakya youth named Very Bright Countenance, for purpose of some work, came out of the great city of Kapilavastu riding in a chariot and the young Shakya saw the Buddha coming just from afar. Having seen him, he got down from the chariot, went to where the Buddha was and, having gone there, bowed with folded palms in the direction of the Buddha and, having prostrated his head to the two feet of Buddha, he circumambulated the Buddha three times and sat before the Buddha with folded palms.
Then the young Shakya made this request to the Buddha: “Bhagavan, my two parents, while asleep and awake, are harmed by non-humans. Bhagavan, I too, when going to other provinces, am robbed by bandits and also harmed by wild animals. For sake of that, O Bhagavan Samyak Sambuddha, out of whatever compassion you have for me, please protect me well thus not to be harmed by humans, non-humans and all included within the animal realm wherever I am. Also, please teach me a protecting ritual.”
Thus he requested and the Bhagavan said this to the young Shakya: “Youth, for sake of that, listen well; keep this in mind; I will speak to you.” The young Shakya saying, “I will do so,” listened to the Bhagavan and this is what the Buddha said:
“Youth, in the eastern direction from this Buddhafield beyond 80,000 Buddhafields is a world sphere called ‘All Delusions Shaken’. There, the Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha called ‘Practicing Afar’ now abides in life. Youth, whenever you go to the east for some activity, at that time, if you prostrate to and remember that Tathagata being in front of you and make him evident in the continuum of your mind danger will not arise for you. At that time, if you think of him without distraction, whatever activity for which you have gone, that activity will be accomplished.” Then the Bhagavan recited this verse:
“Having prostrated to the Lord
The Fully Enlightened Mighty One
If you go with him always manifest in mind
Danger will not arise for you.
Youth, in the southern direction from this Buddhafield 90,000 Buddhafields away there is a world system called ‘Darkness and Mass of Black Darkness Destroyed.’ There the Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha called “The Fully Exalted King Through Being Free of Fear and Fright From the First Mind Generation’ now abides in life. Youth, whenever you go to the south for some activity, at that time if you prostrate to that Tathagata and remember him before you and have him evident in the continuum of your mind and, without thinking of home, etc., go mindfully without distraction, that activity for which purpose you went will be accomplished and no danger whatever will arise for you.” Then the Bhagavan recited this verse:
“Without thoughts of home and arisal of hatred
When you go to the south, danger will not arise for you.
Youth, in the western direction Buddhafields as many as grains of sand of the river Ganges away from this Buddhafield there is a world system called ‘The Agreeable’. There the Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha called ‘Suppressor of Resentment and Arrogance’ now abides in life. Youth, whenever you go to the west for some activity, at that time if you prostrate to that Tathagata and think of him before you, having him manifest in the continuum of your mind, and go mindfully without delusion and distraction, no danger whatever will arise for you.” Then the Bhagavan recited this verse:
Neither generating joy towards phenomena
Nor ceasing joy either
Who knows phenomena thus
For them there is no fear at all.
Youth, in the northern direction ten billion Buddhafields beyond this Buddhafield there is a world system called ‘The Daring One’. There the Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha called ‘Jewelled Form Set and Shining Light’ now abides in life. Youth, whenever you go to the north for some activity, at that time if you prostrate to that Tathagata and think of him before you, having him manifest in the continuum of your mind and go with undistracted mental engagement, that activity for which purpose you went will be accomplished and no danger whatever will arise for you.” Then the Bhagavan recited this verse:
“Always be equanimous toward all sentient beings
Do not abuse sentient beings and
Danger will not arise for you.
Youth, in the northeastern direction 80,000 Buddhafields away from this Buddhafield is a world system called ‘The Community of Mara Destroyed’. There the Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha called ‘The Suppressor Who Has Completely Eliminated Maras and Doubt’ now abides in life. That Tathagata, merely by sitting under the bodhi tree, made gods of the mara type, as many as exist in the billion world systems, all irreversible from unexcelled, perfect, complete enlightenment. Youth, that Tathagata had such power of a being sitting under the bodhi tree! Youth, whenever you go to the northeast for some activity, at that time if you prostrate to that Tathagata and think of him before you having him manifest in the continuum of your mind and go undistracted, that activity for which purpose you went will be accomplished and no danger whatever will arise for you.” Then the Bhagavan recited this verse:
If you go while thinking
Of that Buddha who
With the first thought defeated the maras
For you, danger will not arise.
Youth, in the southeastern direction 20,000 Buddhafields beyond this Buddhafield there is a world system called ‘Always Appearing’. There the Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha called ‘Glorious One Arisen From The Wheel Made Irreversible By The First Mind Generation’ now abides in life. Youth, that Tathagata, from the first mind generation up to his very enlightenment uninterruptedly practised generosity, guarded morality, fully relied on patience, applied perseverance, practised concentration and knew wisdom. Youth, that Tathagata was such a skilful being! Youth, whenever you go to the southeast for some activity, having prostrated with your five limbs to that Tathagata and later left the house, afterwards no grief or danger at all will arise for you. If your mental engagement is undistracted that activity for which purpose you went will be accomplished.” Then the Bhagavan recited this verse:
Having prostrated with the five limbs
And later left the house
You will proceed never suppressed by thieves
Youth, in the southwestern direction from this Buddhafield 30,000 Buddhafields away is a world system called ‘Covered With Golden Garlands’. There the Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha called ‘Jewelled Parasol Exalted Illumination’ now abides in life. Youth, whenever you go to the southwest for some activity, if you prostrate to that Tathagata and think of him before you, having him manifest in the continuum of your mind and go undistracted, no danger at all will arise for you and that activity for which purpose you went will be accomplished.” Then the Bhagavan recited this verse:
Having prostrated to the Samyak Sambuddha
And strewn a few flowers
When you go to the southwest
No danger will arise.
Youth, in the northwestern direction Buddhafields as many as six times the grains of sand of the river Ganges away from this Buddhafield is a world system called ‘The Wholly Pure Very Stable Fully Exalted’. There the Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha called ‘Bodhisattva Tamed One’ now abides in life. Youth, the Buddhafield of that Tathagata is without impurity, without sexual activity, without women, without thorns, pebbles or gravel, and without the five degenerations. Youth, whenever you go to the northwest for some activity, having adopted excellent Brahmacharya and afterwards left the house with undistracted mental engagement, that activity for which purpose you went will be accomplished and no danger at all will arise for you.” Then the Bhagavan recited this verse:
“Having adopted excellent Brahmacharya
And later left the house
Wherever you go you will
Not be overwhelmed by bandits.
Youth, in the upper direction Buddhafields as many as 60 times the grains of sand of the river Ganges away from this Buddhafield is a world system called ‘Mental Engagement Without Object’. There the Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha called ‘Fully Exalted King of Fearless Samadhi Devoid of Darkness’ now abides in life. Youth, if you prostrate to that Tathagata and think of him and manifest him in your mind and, whether sitting or standing, have perfected and stabilized love encompassing all sentient beings, no danger at all will arise.” Then the Bhagavan recited this verse:
You, with undistracted mental engagement
Always think of that Conqueror
And always have loving mind
Then no danger will arise for you.
Youth, in the lower direction from this Buddhafield 92,000 Buddhafields away is a world system called ‘Adorned By Many Qualities’. There the Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha called ‘First Mind Generation Cut Doubts and Shook Delusions’ now abides in life. Youth, toward that Tathagata, in starting all activities, whether standing, sitting or walking, in all conduct, make prostration and think of him. Having developed mind of love and mind of altruism for all sentient beings no danger will arise for you and all your wishes, as well, will be accomplished without need for effort.” Then the Bhagavan recited this verse:
“In all activities day and night
Remember that Buddha and
Don’t let go of Bodhicitta as well
And no danger will arise for you.
Youth, the names of these Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddhas you take hold of well. Remember them well. Learn them well and danger, anxiety and anything to cause you terror, none whatsoever will arise for you.”
Thus he spoke and the Shakya youth Very Bright Countenance made this reply: “Bhagavan, I have memorized the names of those Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddhas. Bhagavan, for me those world systems are not dark. Bhagavan, I see those world systems and those Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddhas just as I now see the present Tathagata revealing Dharma to the entourage.”
Then, out of that surrounding entourage, a vast great host of beings such as the Shakya youth Very Bright Countenance viewed the Bhagavan, made prostration, made offerings, performed service and, because of having listened to this discourse of Dharma, all those thousands of beings of the entourage gathered there rose from their seats and, having draped their upper robe over one shoulder, knelt down to the ground on their right knee and, bowing toward the Bhagavan with folded palms, spoke to the Bhagavan thus:
“Bhagavan, by the Tathagata teaching this discourse of Dharma, for us, those directions and world systems are without darkness. Bhagavan, those world systems as well are without darkness. Bhagavan, those world systems and those Bhagavan Buddhas are just as this present Tathagata teaching Dharma.”
Then, through the power of the Buddha, venerable Shariputra rose from his seat and, having draped his upper robe over one shoulder, knelt down to the ground on his right knee and, bowing toward the Bhagavan, with folded palms spoke to the Bhagavan thus: “Bhagavan, whatever son or daughter of the lineage, when this discourse of Dharma was taught, having heard the names of those Bhagavan Buddhas, their vision purified, saw each of those world systems in the ten directions and those Bhagavan Buddhas. Bhagavan, what is the merit for their purified vision? In passing on to other lives will they be separated from it or not?”
The Bhagavan replied, “Shariputra, as for such purified visions of whatever son or daughter of the lineage who has perfectly entered the Bodhisattva vehicle, they become just extreme purity through being without obscuration. Shariputra, do you see all these thousands of beings? Shariputra, all of them, through this root of virtue of having heard the names of these Buddhas, each, having been caused to purify merit equivalent to merit to take rebirth with dominion of a universal emperor as many times as grains of sand of the river Ganges, by the end of their existences and end of their rebirths, having completed all the collections for enlightenment, and, for one aeon, receiving only names similar to ‘Adorned By The Pure Eyes Of The Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddha’, will fully awaken to unexcelled perfectly complete enlightenment.”
Immediately after the Bhagavan had spoken giving prophecy for those children of the lineage, the billion worlds moved six times. Shaking, fully shaking, all fully shook. Moving, fully moving, all fully moved. Rumbling, fully rumbling, all fully rumbled. Quaking, fully quaking, all fully quaked. Thundering, fully thundering, all fully thundered. And trembling, fully trembling, all fully trembled.
Devas of upper realms as well exclaimed, “Kye ma! Friends! Like that, these children of the lineage, by just hearing the names of these Tathagatas, fully take hold of unexcelled perfectly complete enlightenment and, by knowing all phenomena as they are, will become Tathagatas whose minds encompass all things. What great wonder! Who would not have faith in Buddha?” Thus they proclaimed.
The devas of the Heaven of the Four Great Kings, of the Heaven of the Thirty-three, the Heaven Without Fighting, the Tushita devas, those Enjoying Emanations, those of the Heaven Controlling Others’ Emanations, those of Brahma’s heaven, those Elevated Before Brahma, and those of Great Brahma up to the devas of Akanishta, hearing the words of those upper realm devas, rejoicing, exulting in great bliss, and with mental pleasure, spoke these words: “Kye ma! Friends! Like that, these children of the lineage, by just hearing the names of these Tathagatas, fully take hold of unexcelled perfectly complete enlightenment and, by knowing all phenomena as they are, will become Tathagatas whose minds encompass all things. What great wonder! Who would not have faith in Buddha?” Thus they spoke.
Then the Bhagavan said to venerable Ananda, “Ananda, whatever son or daughter of the lineage who has perfectly entered the Bodhisattva vehicle, hearing this Dharma discourse memorizes it, remembers it, reads it, studies it, teaches it extensively and perfectly to others, or even copies the scripture and keeps it, know that those sons or daughters of the lineage are blessed by the Buddhas and do special service to the previous Conqueror Buddhas. Know that fear of death will not arise for them. They will not die into bad states of being. They will not die through harm from others. Believe that dangers from water, bandits, poison and weapons will not occur for them.”
Then Indra, Lord of the Devas, having learned of such a prophecy of protection for the great beings, the Bodhisattvas, because of having heard this discourse of Dharma, surrounded and escorted by a full thousand divine youths, went to where the Bhagavan was, prostrated his head to the two feet of the Bhagavan and, having circumambulated the Bhagavan three times, upon the Bhagavan and those thousands of beings whom the Bhagavan had prophesied their future unsurpassed perfectly complete enlightenment, sprinkled divine sandalwood dust, divine mandarawa flowers and great mandarawas.
Then sitting down to one side, he spoke thus, “Bhagavan, whatever son or daughter of the lineage memorizes this Dharma discourse, remembers it, reads it, or studies it, I will protect. Bhagavan, those sons or daughters of the lineage, whether at home or in a monastery, near a tree, or in an empty house, in an isolated retreat, whether on the road or astray from it, whether asleep or awake, I will protect them so that they do not die from harm of others.”
Then the Bhagavan said to the venerable Ananda, “Ananda! If, to please the Tathagata Arhat Samyak Sambuddas who are now abiding in life a son or daughter of the lineage, their whole life, honoured them with offerings of robes, alms, couches, facilities for illness and medical requirements, Ananda, by just that the Tathagatas are not honoured, it is not veneration and it is not worship. But if any son or daughter of the lineage who has perfectly entered the Bodhisattva vehicle hears this Dharma discourse and memorizes it, remembers it, reads it, studies it, or even copies the scripture and keeps it, by just that, with the best honouring of the Tathagatas, best service to the Guru, best veneration, best worship, it is veneration, it is service to the Guru, it is worship.”
Then the venerable Ananda arose from his seat and, having draped his upper robe over one shoulder, knelt down to the ground on his right knee and, bowing toward the Buddha with folded palms, spoke to the Bhagavan thus: “Bhagavan, what is the name of this Dharma discourse? How should we regard it?”
Thus he spoke and the Bhagavan replied to the venerable Ananda. “Ananda, therefore you remember this discourse of Dharma as called ‘The Dispeller of Darkness of the Ten Directions’. Also remember it as called ‘The Perfect Expression of the Names of the Tathagatas’ and as called ‘Realization of Things As Non-existent’ and ‘Realization of Signlessness’.
After the Bhagavan had spoken thus, Venerable Ananda, Venerable Shariputra, the Shakya youth Very Bright Countenance, those thousands of beings, Indra, Lord of the Devas, the monks, the Bodhisattvas, devas, humans, the asuras, along with the ghandharvas, thus the whole world rejoiced and praised that which had been spoken by the Bhagavan.