You can recite this prayer when making individual light offering. After lighting a candle, a butter lamp, or any form of light, this prayer can be recited in conjunction with the visualisation described below.
May the light of the lamp be equal to the great three thousand worlds and their environments,
May the wick of the lamp be equal to the king of mountains – Mount Meru.
May the butter be equal to the infinite ocean.
May there be billions of trillions of lamps in the presence of each and every Buddha.
May the light illuminate the darkness of ignorance of all sentient beings
From the peak of samsara down to the most torturous hell,
Whereby they can see directly and clearly all the
Ten directions’ Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and their pure lands.
I offer these beautifully exalted clear and luminous lights
To the thousand Buddhas of the fortunate eon,
To all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the infinite pure lands and of the ten directions,
To all the Gurus, Yidams, dakas, dakinis, Dharma Protectors, and the assembly of deities of all mandalas.
Due to this, may my father, mother, and all sentient beings in this life and in all their future lives,
Be able to see directly the actual pure lands of the complete and perfect Buddhas,
May they unify with Buddha Amitabha in inseparable oneness,
Please bless me and may my prayers be actualised as soon as possible,
Due to the power of the truth of the Three Jewels and the assembly of deities of the three roots.
The light transforms into single brilliant five-colour wisdom.
On a lotus and moon-disc the syllables OM and DHI appear.
From there, one hundred and eight beautiful goddesses of light, Marmema, appear, wearing beautiful garments and precious garlands.
Every goddess holds lights in her hands and from them emanate billions of trillions of infinite replicas of light-offering goddesses.
All of them make light offerings uninterruptedly to all the Buddhas in the Buddha-fields throughout all of space and to the peaceful and wrathful deities.